1. When other photographers don’t believe in you: Photography can be a very saturated market and it can be difficult to be unique, but i’m a firm believer in lifting others up and even collaborating. If any of my fellow photographers receive the competition vibe from someone, keep on going and do what YOU believe is right for you. If I didn’t, I would have quit photography a long time ago. Also, remember to be a collaborator not a person who believes in competition!
  2. When clients put N/A for answers on our contact forms: Clients. Please, please, please don’t put “N/A” or leave an answer blank on our contact forms. Our contact forms are made for us to get information about you and your vision. We want to get to know you, your date, session type, and much more so that we can cater to your needs! 
  3. When photographers gate-keep locations: As a photographer, I am here to help other photographers in any way that I can. If you ask me for a location, i’m going to tell you. I would never gate-keep a location. I don’t understand why some photographers are annoyed when people ask for locations. Like, it’s as easy as “Heck ya, you like the location I shoot at? Here ya go- I hope to see you there!” With that said, I do keep locations private for my clients until they book just so they get that entire location guide upon booking. 
  4. When clients think we can photoshop anything and everything: When it comes to post-processing and editing, I do everything in my power to edit out distractions and things that bother people but there is no 100% guarantee that I can remove something. My favorite is when people say “You can just edit that out, right?” ME: *Gulp* “Mmm. Yeah” Sometimes it’s just not possible but we will always try! 
  5. Lastly, anyone who thinks photographers just “click a button”: I wish that’s all we did! Photography is very complex, especially when it comes to camera settings, it’s almost like math. Not only that but, we have to make sure the weather, lighting, composition, camera settings, and posing are all in order before we take one shot, and that’s just ONE out of the thousand’s that we take. Don’t forget all of the inquiries we have to respond to while also having a full editing queue. It’s ALOT, but I wouldn’t trade it for the world!

December 3, 2024

Behind The Scenes

Ready to book your special day with me?